Welcome to UncensoredDNS

UncensoredDNS is the name of a DNS service which consists of two uncensored DNS servers. The servers are available for use by anyone, free of charge.

This service is run by Thomas Steen Rasmussen, born 1979. I am a system architect and developer in a Danish company, and I also teach and consult in my spare time. I run UncensoredDNS as a private individual, with my own money.

You can read more using the menu above, or if you just want the DNS server info can get it below.

UncensoredDNS Logo

DNS servers


Anycast from multiple locations.

DNS-over-TLS anycast.uncensoreddns.org:853

DNS-over-HTTPS https://anycast.uncensoreddns.org/dns-query


This node is hosted at AS9167 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

DNS-over-TLS unicast.uncensoreddns.org:853

DNS-over-HTTPS https://unicast.uncensoreddns.org/dns-query

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